Friday, August 19, 2011

One year of ODHSNM

ODHSNM is one today. That means it's started to crawl around and it has increasingly strong opinions on what it will or won't do (and especially, eat).

However, it still lacks effective bladder or bowel control, and has to be prevented at all costs from getting to the stairs.

Yes, my blog is no longer a baby. It is now a toddler (much like my actual toddler, Tancred, who is also one year old). No longer can I put it down somewhere and expect it to still be there when I get back.

I find it quite remarkable that I've kept writing this up for this long. Here's to the speedy passage of the next 17 years, and to ODHSNM finally leaving home!


  1. It is a year old TODAY, before anyone points out the date on the first post. Tomorrow, it will be one year and one day old. OK?

  2. Congratulations... Surely you should have, in your post, maintained that it is really intelligent, no... but really, really intelligent, top 10%, your blog can already walk, talk, count and do quadratic equations, yah!

    Look forward to the difficult years and when it finally finds its voice, look forward to reading more.

  3. hmmm... reading back on that comment the "finally finds it voice" was meant to be a weak pun on the blog learning to talk... it comes across far more rudely, as though I think that you are babbling trying to find your meter... that is not what I mean, so apologies.
