Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I can't handle the truth

So, Blogger has a new interface which includes something resembling a child's version of Google Analytics.

Oh, I know I said I was never going to talk about SEO on here, but this is too interesting – by which I mean disheartening – to ignore.

Turns out round about one third of the traffic that has EVER come here has come in from people looking for pictures of Peppa Pig.

Back in March, I wrote a post about said pig, which was well-received and even got randomly linked to from a site promoting "real breast feeding" or something.

Ever since, I have been thinking that if I really want to give up work and write this nonsense for a living, I was going to have to sit and analyse a lot more episodes of Peppa Pig and think of something amusing to say about them. I've got quite a long way with this project so far and – even in the light of this setback - may well return to it in future.

Anyway, the goddam new interface has shown me (from a list of top URLs for incoming traffic) that it's not my ingenious interpretation of the Mummy Rabbit/Miss Rabbit dichotomy that has drawn in the readers. No, it's the fact that Google Images indexed the bloody picture.



  1. TBH I thought that you always had this, I know that a rival blogging site did it (maybe only for paying customers though)... anyway statement of interests... I come here through your facebook page, which you probably already know...

    You could also probably improve footfall if you linked blog to tweeter and just constantly tweeted this:

    "bieber, obesity, breast feeding, Cheryl Cole, Asbestos, Portsmouth".

    The last two I discovered got many followers after I tweeted about asbestos being found in my flat and I visited Portsmouth and decided to tell everyone what a shithole it was. The people of Portsmouth promptly found and rounded on me. I do not think I better risk going back.
