Friday, January 13, 2012

The Second Seal is Opened

T-343: Isn’t it warm for January? Usually, West Yorkshire is frozen under an inch-thick carapace of ice at this time of year. COINCIDENCE? I don’t think so.

Well, if this is the end of the world, I must say it’s preferable to another winter of (i) being unable to drive up or down our road and (ii) having to walk everywhere very carefully, looking like I’ve bobbed meself.

I've not spotted any other portents of the end times, bar the unusually mild weather. 

I did see a seven-headed beast rise from out of the sea the other day. But when I thought about it later I realised it was a seagull trying to lift a plastic bag out of the canal. 



  1. That's supposed to be an animated GIF of Bill Cosby pulling his "Cosby Face"... If anyone can tell me how to upload it here, I'll replace the still with a fully mobile Dr Huxtable.

  2. Ah, click on the image and he starts doing it. I could watch that all day.
