Thursday, June 2, 2011

ODHSNM Interactive!

Today, ODHSNM begins an experiment. I've been asked to remove the requirement for people leaving comments to be signed in to a Google account – and so desperate to please my audience am I that I will face down the risk of trolls, Russian pr0nographers and Nigerian scammers running riot, just for you.

I reserve the right to delete any comments I don't like or end this experiment at any time, without prejudice or explanation. If I can work out how.

So, as of today, anyone with a finger or a forehead to type with can leave their mark for posterity here on what will undoubtedly come to be regarded as the 21st century's answer to the diary of Samuel Pepys. Or possibly a minor footnote in the history of bollocks.


  1. hello I'm a young girl from russia loking for love with 10 of millions of pounds that needs moving, i made this money from internet vaigra sales, and so could you!

  2. Nice one Anonymous! What do I need to do to get in on this cash and love bonanza?

  3. I'm very glad you've done this as I always want to comment but now I can't think of anything in the least bit interesting to say. Um, how are you today?

  4. Good move mate.

    I hate my various Google profiles as they are either work related (and hence not appropriate) or related to gaming activities (and hence faintly embarrassing).

  5. I'm fine thanks @Pathfinder, how are you? Nice weather isn't it? @Catonmyhead, hmmm, you've not left comments on here before with a "gaming profile" have you?

  6. I think that this one act represents a paradigm shift... for example, what need has the Chinese to hack Google accounts now if they are free to comment without one? Cyber wars are over and it is not even bloody Xmas.

    Bravo Roger!

