Friday, January 6, 2012

Mayan Apocalypse Liveblog

T-350: According to the Mayans, the world is going to end later this year. Specifically, on December 21 – so we will at least get to watch the Olympics first.

And so, as this final year progresses, I will be the first to you know about all the portents of doom as they happen, right up until the big moment when the planet is destroyed. At that point, I will hand over to the aliens, evolved dolphins or whatever that humanity will be passing the baton on to.

Either that, or I will turn to any remaining Mayans at that time and describe to you the look of intense embarrassment on their faces when it turns out that the conclusion of a 5,125 calendar year cycle since the date of their creation myth means nothing at all.

And when that happens, I will have very little to tell you – because there aren’t any Mayans to speak of and haven’t been for some hundreds of years, they having notably failed to predict the collapse of their own civilisation in the 10th century.

Still, that major omission notwithstanding, I plan on taking the idea that the earth will crash into an as-yet completely undetected planet called “Nibiru” on a specific date later this year – despite the entire balance of astronomical evidence being against this hypothesis – 100 per cent seriously, and I will keep you updated accordingly. Only 350 days to go!


  1. T-350 (6 hours later): The first portent - A pigeon flew into my face outside the St Johns Centre in Leeds. Clearly, the earth's magnetic field has begin to fluctuate, throwing birds off course.

  2. I can't believe that they are doing us out of christmas. Do I bank on the mayans and not buy christmas presents? Is there some sort of apocalypse advent calendar available? ODHSNM merchandising opportunity?
